Tiered Compilation with .Net Core 2.1

With all the interesting improvements that the team at Microsoft are undertaking relating to performance improvements, I would like to highlight a new preview release that they have provided for new performance enhancements.

Here is just a overview summary of what they have talked about, you can read more in their main article below.

Compilation with .Net Framework

  • Historically compilation performed with tradeoffs, with combination of PreJitting to optimize code for steady state performance, but is slow and will affect initial start time.
  • Alternative method like an econoJit approach that will start fast but code quality will suffer.
  • .Net provides a combination in order to take a balanced approach that will provide a reasonable job for both start up and steady state peformance.

Tiered performance allows .Net to have multiple compilations so that they can be hot swapped, so we can pick best technique for startup and best for steady state performance.

the benefits of this are:-

  • Faster application startup time
    • Tiered compilation ask JIT to compile quickly and optimise if needed.
  • Faster steady state performance
    • Tiered compilation ask JIT to create optimised code in background thread that will replace the pre compiled version.


To try this:-

  • If you build the application yourself using .NET 2.1 SDK – Add the MSBuild property <TieredCompilation>true</TieredCompilation>to the default property group in your project file. For example:
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
  • If you run an application that has already been built, edit runtimeconfig.json to add System.Runtime.TieredCompilation=true to the configProperties. For example:
      "runtimeOptions": {
        "configProperties": {
          "System.Runtime.TieredCompilation": true
      "framework": {
  • If you run an application and don’t want to modify any files, set the environment variable


Reference: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/dotnet/2018/08/02/tiered-compilation-preview-in-net-core-2-1/